The Impact of an Unhealthy Gut on Your Skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it’s incredibly important to take care of it. A healthy, glowing complexion is something that everyone desires. Unfortunately, many people struggle with acne, dull or dry skin, skin disorders and a multitude of skin issues due to a poor diet or stress or health issues.

But did you know that your gut health can hugely impact your skin's health? Gut health and beauty go hand-in-hand: if your digestive system isn't working correctly, it can cause everything from acne to wrinkles and eczema flare-ups! So how do we ensure our guts are functioning at their best?

Let's find out some tips - as we explore how to maintain a healthy gut and the impact it will have on the health of your skin. 

Gut health for radiant skin

What is The Skin-Gut Connection?

The skin-gut connection is a term that describes the relationship between the gut and the skin. It refers to how what you eat affects your skin, as well as how your skin can affect your overall health.

The skin is the largest organ in the body and is heavily influenced by what goes on within the gut. Your gut microbiome — the population of beneficial bacteria that lives in your digestive tract — regulates many aspects of human health, including skin health. This is because trillions of bacteria (microbiome) live in your gut, making up about 70% of your immune system.

If you have a healthy microbiome, it will protect you from disease and allergies by keeping bad bacteria at bay. An imbalance between good and bad bacteria can cause imbalances elsewhere in the body, such as in the skin. This is known as dysbiosis - an imbalance between good and bad bacteria that affects our health.

Scientists have discovered that intestinal imbalances can lead to skin irritation. In addition to pimples and other skin issues from aging, rosacea, sensitivity, and breakouts can all indicate irritated skin.

Symptoms of An Unhealthy Gut on The Skin

If you suffer from lack of sleep, stress, poor diet, hormone imbalance or other factors that can cause inflammation in your gut, then it's likely that some of these will also affect your skin.

Inflammation in the digestive tract has been linked to the following skin diseases:

Acne breakouts

Acne is one of the most common problems that people experience with their skin. Studies have shown that people who suffer from acne also tend to have digestive issues such as bloating and constipation.


Rosacea is a condition that causes redness in the face and may also appear as large bumps on the nose, cheeks, and chin. It can also cause dryness and flaking on top of these areas, which may bleed easily when scratched off. Rosacea has been connected to stomach disorders such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). According to one research, SIBO was present in 70 percent of patients with rosacea. Treating gastrointestinal issues could be an effective strategy for treating rosacea.

Eczema & Psoriasis

Inflammation of the gut can lead to eczema, a chronic skin disorder that causes redness and irritation. And eczema has also been linked to psoriasis, a condition that causes patches of skin to scale and peel.

Dull complexion

A healthy gut is one of the key factors for a beautiful complexion, as it regulates the healthy functioning of the skin cells. If your digestive system is not functioning properly, there will be an imbalance in the body's metabolism and hormones which can lead to dull skin, dryness, premature aging, and even acne. It's also safe to say that as your collagen production slows down as we age, our complexion also starts to appear dull and dry and doesn't have the full elasticity that it once had.

Saggy and Wrinkled Skin

The skin lies at the interface between the inside and outside worlds of our body. It is exposed to all kinds of stressors from the external environment, such as pollution, sunlight, dirt and cosmetics. When your gut health is compromised, your skin suffers too! The main reason behind this is that when your gut health goes south, so does its ability to detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins that enter our bodies every day through the air, contaminated food or water supplies, thereby accelerating the ageing of our skin cells.

Blotchy skin

When your gut is out of balance, it can cause inflammation. This inflammation can manifest as blotchy patches of redness and rashes on your skin. It also doesn't appear to be as smooth and clear and this may also be directly linked to our gut health and what foods we eat.

How to Improve Your Gut Health?

There are several things you can do to improve your gut health:

  1. Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods like vegetables and fruits — fiber helps feed good bacteria in your stomach so they can keep working correctly, and in turn help your gut health to improve.
  2. Drink plenty of water every day — dehydration can irritate the lining of your digestive system - plus drinking water daily helps to flush out toxins and helps the liver to function best.
  3. Drink tea for skin — loss of collagen in the skin leads to sagging skin, wrinkles, dull or dry skin complexion as well as loss in the skin's elasticity and plumpness. Collagen loss also leads to brittle nails, weaker joints and lifeless hair. Collagen peptides included in edible beauty tea blends available online help slow down the ageing process by increasing your body's collagen synthesis plus giving you more of a variety of essential amino acids and antioxidants.

Skin & Gut Conclusion.....

Your gut and skin are so closely linked that it's a good idea to take care of both if you want your skin to look its best. If you're looking for ways to improve the health of your gut, consider adding edible beauty tea to your daily routine. The delicious blend of collagen with teas, tisanes, herbs and spices can help improve digestive health and promote clear, radiant skin both from the collagen peptides and the herbal ingredients used in each blend.




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