Why You Should Be Taking Collagen Tea
How does collagen help improve our ageing process?
We are all looking for ways to improve our health, appearance and wellbeing — ideally without breaking the bank. Alongside a healthy diet, plenty of water, good sleep, and regular exercise, there are many easy additional steps that you can take to keep your mind and body in tip-top shape.
Environmental factors — including sun, diet and pollution — play a substantial role in our ability to live a healthy life and this is particularly true in Australia. More than anyone, Australians understand the importance of staying out of the sun, slip-slop-slapping and wearing protective clothing whenever possible to reduce the effects of sun exposure. Despite this, many of us spend a lifetime tanning, playing, lounging and doing sports on the beach. The effects of this can be wide-ranging but tend to visibly manifest as pigmentation, loss of skin elasticity and unwanted wrinkles.
None of this is good news but never fear — help is here! A handy little protein known as collagen is at hand to help support and hydrate your ageing and sun-damaged skin, alongside many other numerous health benefits. Taking Tea with Collagen is one of the easiest things you can do for the betterment of your skin, hair, nails and your overall beauty from within and general wellbeing.
What is collagen?
Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the human body. It is a major building block of skin, hair, nails, joints, muscles and tendons and provides essential structural assistance to our bones and ligaments. Whilst the body naturally produces collagen, the rate of production decreases with age which is what gives rise to wrinkles and fine lines. Infact, we lose about 1% to 2% per year of our natural collagen production, so this is what ageing is all related from.
Collagen supplements have become increasingly popular, as people all over the world have cottoned onto the benefits of incorporating powerful collagen proteins into their diet and skincare regimens. Collagen found in our Tea with Collagen are usually in the format of hydrolyzed collagen peptides, which means it has been broken down to make consumption more effective. Collagen taken as a supplement plays an essential role in preventing, managing and maintaining skin health.
What are the positive effects of Collagen Tea?
Collagen offers a wide range of benefits to help support our skin, hair, nails, joint and tendon health. Tea with Collagen is an excellent ingestible should you be concerned about skin damage resulting from ageing, high exposure to the sun’s UV rays, pollution, a poor diet, poor sleep, natural ageing and loss of skin elasticity. Orally consumed hydrolyzed collagen peptides have been shown to improve skin complexion, improve the skins’ hydration, support improved skin elasticity and texture whilst reducing fine lines and wrinkles and is highly recommended for anyone trying to maintain their skin or counteract the ageing process.
How can I take collagen?
Collagen has found its way into a wide variety of products — everything from tablets to protein bars. The amount of information out there and number of products available may be a little overwhelming to anyone just starting out on their collagen journey.
At Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea, we have simplified the process by combining the power of collagen with one of our all time favourite drinks — organic tea which is packed with antioxidants to help boost you from within! Our collagen infused herbal teas, collagen black teas and collagen green teas, as well as our collagen infused teabags and collagen infused powder tea offer the full range of collagen-derived benefits with the added bonus of antioxidants and polyphenols found in tea as well as a great tasting, comforting and easy-to-prepare beverage.
Our Collagen Tea comes in 11 blends, including loose leaf, biodegradable teabags as well as our newest collagen infused powder teas which are available in two flavours, a lovely chai - Chai So High - and our pure matcha collagen powder - Miss You Matcha. So regardless of your tastebuds, you can be assured that we have a collagen infused tea blend for you. With powerful antioxidants, Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea can help support and manage your ageing process, help support skin tone with smoother more plump skin texture, help to reduce skin dryness and support skin hydration from the inside to help you look and feel your best.
If — like many of us — you want to start the process of maintaining, preventing or managing the ageing process, start by trying our Tea with Collagen - drink the benefits, your skin will love you!
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