What ARE the benefits of collagen?

You may have heard how great collagen is for your skin, your hair and of course your nails, as well as for joint and tendon health and overall wellbeing – so what are the benefits of collagen and how  does this beauty-boosting protein benefit the body?

Collagen Research

We should always rely on the research, and our collagen supplier has so much scientific data which supports that orally consuming collagen has been shown to “increase skin elasticity, hydration, and dermal density,” as well as aid in skin healing and ageing – ooooh we LOVE that!!!
Plus, ongoing research proves collagen is also a great source for supporting bone and joint health, making it a fantastic addition to your post-workout recovery and health, and for anyone who has suffered shoulder, hip or other joint or tendon issues, operations and so on.

The positive effects of Collagen

As hydrolyzed collagen peptides are made up of amino acids, it’s becoming more and more common for users to experience many positive effects, such as supporting liver function, improving sleep, and of course improved joint function.  In addition to the above, regular users also report seeing  improvements in digestion, sleep, mood, and anxiety, and of course have seen a boost in both their hair and nail growth and strength with their skin taking a little longer but also showing major improvements.  

Collagen for hair, skin and nails

Funnily hair and nail growth are one of the first signs of significant results you start to notice when you see how often you’re cutting your nails and how much stronger they are – and this is reflected in our product reviews and messages/feedback that we get within the first 4 to 6 weeks of a consumer buying our product.  They start to see their nail growth as their first noticeable change… So we tell them to stick with it and continue to drink collagen consistently,  because the skin changes will come after this and you’ll start to notice less bumps, less pimples, decreased fine lines, smoother skin and more!! 

Collagen takes time

So, as the saying goes – good things take time, and when it comes to collagen consumption, consistency is key in order to attain optimal results, and not everyone may experience the same outcomes in the same timeframe and within the same period, because ageing is so dependent upon many factors like UV exposure, smoking, sugar intake, environment, genetics and more…… but with all the scientific data backing good ol’ collagen ( our skin’s number one protein) – we should all seriously start considering consuming a collagen program for any stage in your ageing process! 
So, why not add the benefits of collagen alongside the benefits and antioxidants found in tea, as tea has many anti-ageing properties – and then you’ve got yourself a little secret super-booster to get your glow glow glow on!


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