Does Collagen Tea Really Work?
Q&A with a Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea Drinker
What were the results after drinking our collagen-infused organic formulated teas? Read this blog article to find out more!
We love to celebrate the women who are buying and enjoying our Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea – why? Because these are the women who are focusing on improving their health and wellness, managing their ageing process, boosting their antioxidants, upgrading their daily beauty routine, love drinking organic tea and who are committing to drinking our collagen tea daily to support their skin, hair and nails, and overall wellbeing. We hear of so many stories, photos and receive so many reviews and messages with amazing journeys of women who are seeing results from Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea, and we thought we’d like to start sharing these with you.
So, today, please meet Jo.
Jo has been a Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea customer for over 15 months now, she commenced her journey with us to give collagen tea a go, and to supplement her collagen production, and has since become addicted to not only the results she’s seeing but the compliments she’s told me that she’s getting “all the time” from friends and family. So much so, Jo has now opted into our subscription auto-ship service so that she now has Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea delivered to her and direct-debited every 30 days, AND - she’s getting 15% off for being a subscribed Fusspot customer!
This is her journey… we hope you love it just as we do!
Hi Jo, so nice to chat with you today, can you give our readers a little overview about you – where you live, what you do and what your interests are?
Hi Sam I live in Melbourne, I’m 45 years old, a real estate agent and I have two fur babies who I adore! I’m a bit of a fitness nut and I like to take good care of myself and if the sun is out I need to be in it!
So Jo – can you please tell us about why you started drinking Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea?
I’ve had a double organ transplant which disrupts the daily normality of my body. That also means I need to find ingestible products that help my body repair and recover more than the average person.
I was researching collagen early last year and I saw Fusspot Tea with its brilliant hot pink packaging, (it’s pretty hard to miss let’s be honest!) I started to read about how it was all organic, which is very important to me.
After finding that it is locally owned, (I’m a big fan of supporting local), and that it is Australian and uses some of the best type of collagen in the world I gave it a go, what did I have to lose.
So, can you tell us which is your preferred blend/s and why?
Just letting you know that I have never had a coffee in my life so I only know about tea!
I love a chai; I love it for the herbs and the aromatic smell that it gives off. That’s why I first bought and tried Fusspot’s Chai So High. I make it with a touch of almond milk and a dash of raw honey. It’s part of my morning ritual. I train and the very first thing I do afterwards is make a Fusspot Chai.
I’m also mad for Fusspot’s Miss you Matcha! It gets me through the day. So many Matcha teas are so woody and earthy that they are intensely bitter, but not Fusspot’s Miss You Matcha tea! It’s very earthy and stronger than green tea, but its smooth, it doesn’t need any honey or sugar, it doesn’t need anything. I make my way through about 5 cups of it a day at the moment while working from home. It’s wonderful and just so good for me and my health.
When we spoke, you told me a bit out your personal medical history and some of the issues you were facing with your health - do you mind sharing that with our readers today?
In 2017 I had my life saved by having a kidney & pancreas transplant. This operation and the continued care afterward is really hard on your body, the medications are hardcore and it takes its toll on your hair, skin and nails especially! My nails were flaking off, my hair had mostly fallen out and what was left was limp and just flat! My skin looked dehydrated and patchy.
As a transplant patient, there is a very fine balance of what I can and can’t put into my body. Most vitamins I cannot have at all unless prescribed by my doctors, and I was hesitant about collagen at the beginning but wanted to give it a try.
When I first started drinking Fusspot Teas I figured all would be ok so I just drank it as normal, like a lot!!! But after the first week I noticed that my new kidney was getting sore, the only thing that had changed was me having my tea a few times a day. I saw my doctors not long after that and they told me I should benefit from the collagen tea but to just introduce it slowly to my now delicate body, (you may have already gathered that patience is not my strong point ha-ha). I went back to the starting point and just had one cup each day for the first few weeks then increased it slowly to two cups etc but made sure that I was consistent and drank it every day.
Today my doctors believe that this may also be a real contributing factor as to how strong the bonds on my grafter organs have become to the arteries they were grafted to. We can’t really test it but I like to think that it’s one of the main reasons I am now so incredibly strong, healthy and well!
So, we’d love to share with our readers what were the first results that you started to see?
The first thing that I noticed was my nails. I had never been able to grow my nails, ever! My mum is the same. They just flaked away, layer by layer. I started drinking Fusspot Tea and all of a sudden, about one month in, my nails stopped flaking and started growing, and growing …..Growing! I now have the most amazing, natural and strong nails ever! I have to file them down weekly so I can type! During our long 17 week lockdown last year, I had to take the SNS off my nails, and after 10 weeks I started to see incredible, real nail growth ( see photo which I had never experienced before. Even my toenails started to grow, and that means I can wear sandals, thongs and open-toe shoes – you have no idea how much that means to me after all these years.

Following that was my hair growth, I noticed all these funny little new baby hairs growing, my hairdresser was cutting my hair and asked what I was doing as I had so much new hair growth! She couldn’t believe it! I told her it’s this new Collagen Tea for Skin, Hair and Nails.
Then my skin, it started to shine, it wasn’t patchy anymore, and it looked like new, fresh skin So much smoother and brighter! Previously it has been dull and almost like “old lady skin”….all of a sudden it was smoother. brighter and glowing , a total change for me, and people started to notice all the time! And yes, I’ve loved getting so many compliments on my skin – as it had never happened before!

So, you’ve told about why you started drinking Fusspot, and what blend you are enjoying, and what results you started to see, but the next question would be how many cups a day do you drink?
Presently I’m drinking about 5-6 cups a day, working from home and loving it. I feel like I look about 10 years younger!
And lastly, we’d also love to share with our readers any photos of you – do you mind if we show them?
No, not at all! I’m very happy to show off my new-looking skin and nails!
Thank you so much Jo for sharing your story with us Jo!!! Xx
This story from Jo is one of the main rewards I gain from starting Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea and it makes me feel so much happiness to hear that Fusspot Tea is helping someone else. You see, I was looking for a solution for my own needs – I love drinking tea, and for some time, I had been looking into how to take collagen as I am ageing too! This is when the idea of a tea combined with collagen peptides came to light! I realized there were probably other women out there just like me - who would also enjoy a collagen infused beauty tea to help support their skin elasticity and skin hydration, help to plump and smooth ageing skin, support hair growth and promote nail growth, support stronger ligaments and tendons and their overall wellbeing.
It’s been such a delight to hear Jo’s story and to share another viewpoint of why drinking Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea is changing people’s lives and helping women discover positive changes with their bodies and wellbeing.
If you’d like to check out the blends Jo has been drinking – you can find them here – Miss You Matcha and her other favourite blend – Chai So High.
And, if you’d like to share your own journey – please click here or email us at
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